+95 9 5141 276, +95 9 5014 553, +95 9 450 519 351 / sysadmin@golddeltamyanmar.com

About Gold Delta


Gold Delta Company Limited (Gold Delta) was established in April 2009, as one of the subsidiaries of Eden Group, to unlock the full potentials and prospects of Ayeyarwady Delta, once known as the Rice Bowl of Asia. Having its core operational base in Danuphyu Township, Gold Delta was formed as a strategic response to the growing demands to modernize and capitalize the rice industry of Myanmar. Gold Delta was established in 2009 to promote rural development by providing targeted support to rice farmers, especially in Danuphyu Township, Ayeyarwady Region. Over the past years, Gold Delta has persisted in realizing our pledge of “Responsible agribusiness conduct that ensures co-prosperity and alleviation of rural poverty”. Since our inception, Gold Delta has been steadfast in contributing to the development and progress of the emerging rice industry of Myanmar, focusing on quality seed production, sustainable rice production, and integrated and traceable rice value chain.

At Gold Delta, we are optimistic that through partnerships with farmers and key agri-stakeholders, we will be able to create a holistic and sustainable agri-food industry that can meet local and global demands. At the same time, we ensure that we do not compromise on the environment and we implement global agricultural best practices in all of our farms and facilities. Our optimism has been proven by the success stories that our projects have produced over the past years as we stand as a purpose-driven organization.

The Board and the management of Gold Delta set our course and measure our progress against the U.N. Sustainability Development Goals. We support the UN-SDGs as we shape ourselves as a responsible global corporation. We strongly subscribe to the U.N. Global Compact’s Ten Principles on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption, and we implement these principles and best practices as part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations, as we strive to be a responsible market leader in Myanmar and beyond.

While we emphasize business growth, at Gold Delta, we are also investing in our most valuable resource-our human capital. Since the beginning, we regularly enrich our team members’ knowledge and understanding by creating a consistent learning and sharing environment, our very own version of the “LSE”, that enables them to find purpose in the work that they do, and also empowers them to position themselves for the future. I am also incredibly proud of Team Gold Delta as we adhere to the philosophy of giving back to the communities that work in by undertaking meaningful CSR activities include enhancing rural development by developing schools for the community, supporting the local hospitals by donating ambulances and other medical equipment, as well as improving the villagers’ mobility by constructing essential infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

Gold Delta will remain deeply embedded in search of broader market opportunities and will reinforce the close relationships which we have forged with our partners and stakeholders. We will continue to build stronger, more sustainable and innovative approaches and solutions, for the development of the agri-sector, and for the continued progress of the present and future generations of Myanmar.

Our Vision

Our vision is to sustain our leading position and steadfastly improve Quality Driven Rice Supply Chain in Myanmar and to fulfill global food demands by exporting the surplus rice.

Yangon Office (Head Office)

No.01, Kanaung Minthar Gyi Street, Shwe Lin Pan Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon, Myanmar.


 (+95-1)617239 , 617240



Danubyu Office

(100) Tons Rice Mill Compound Yaetwingon Village, Danubyu Tsp, Maubin District, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar.


(+95-9)8573578, 8622317